The Heritage Laboratory of the Center is equipped with the latest generation of advanced instrumentation for a total and precise chemical-physical analysis of any type of sample such as polymers, plastic materials, pigments, stone materials (stones and marbles) and lithoids ( bricks, mortars, plasters), ceramics, wood, metals, nanostructured materials, high viscosity fluids, photovoltaic materials, bituminous materials.
In addition to normal laboratory instruments, the main equipment is:
- FT-Raman spectroscopy
- Infrared spectroscopy with a microscope (micro-FTIR) equipped with an ATR objective
- Raman spectroscopy with microscope (micro-Raman)
- ATR infrared spectroscopy
- Portable FTIR spectrometer
- Thermal analysis (TGA-DSC and MDSC)
- X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD)
- Rotating spreader
- Benchtop extruder
- Viscometer
- Mercury porosimeter
- Optical and stereoscopic microscopes
- Rooms with air conditioning
- Preparative for thick and thin sections
- Microclimate probes